Office - 0207 126 7479

Direct - 07957 773 337

Roofing Services

When the time comes for your old roof to be replaced, Done Right Roofing are your ideal option. Done Right Roofing can fit a brand-new modern roof which will be much better suited to last over a long period of time.

The roofs of the past are often simply not effective enough in dealing with some of the extreme weather conditions which occur in the modern day. Having a new roof fitted could save you money in the long run, as well as being the safest option for you and your family.

If you require a new roof, repairs, or the installation of a rubber roof our team can deal with these appropriately. When your roofing repair needs are urgent Done Right Roofing also offer call outs at short notice.

Done Right Roofing cover a wide geographical area. For more information about our roofing services or to request a free no-obligation quote please do get in touch.

Roof Repair Services

A roof makes up around one-third of a building’s total exterior. Any damage can seriously compromise the integrity of your home. Roof repair is when you remove all the existing roof material down to the decking.

So you’ve noticed a slate that has moved, or perhaps the rain has just started to drive underneath your tiles. Maybe your felt roof has a tear – whatever the issue, what seems like a small problem can soon escalate into a large one if not repaired promptly.

It’s easy to put it off until another day, but dealing with it now can stop a lot of potential hassle and money later on.

That’s where we at Done Right Roofing come in. As soon as you spot a problem with your roof, however small, give us a call and we’ll come and assess it for you. Chances are it’s an easy fix, and we can deal with it cost-effectively.